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TMI:Tuesday: March 12, 2013 (Sorry Im late)

March 13, 2013


1. What is the most revealing thing you have ever worn in public?

HMMM… I think a Halloween costume one year. I was little Bo Peep and I had a super small dress that had the corset top, which because of my large bust, barely covered anything, and I wore little fluffy panties with stilettos… and since it was Halloween, and I’m in Canada is was cold as fuck! lol

2. Have you ever unwittingly shown more than you intended in public due to a wardrobe malfunction?

YES! I was in highschool. There is a small foyer type area for the seniors, which also had its own entrance, I was coming into the doors and had  a Monroe moment, when my dress flew up and smacked me in the face. Thank go I was wearing pretty full ass underwear. Needless to say there were a lot of hoots, hollers and whistles when I finally made it into the foyer, clothing intact.

3. Are you more likely to arrive at an event over or under dressed?

Definitely over. I take pride in my appearance and would rather be the woman being gaped at because she looks stunning, even if she is overdressed, than the woman who is gawked at because she isn’t dressed properly.

4. Tell us about a time when you have arrived at a venue and immediately wished you could leave because you were dressed completely inappropriately?

As mentioned above… it’s never happened.

5. What is the one thing that a lover/man/woman wears that you love with a passion?

A white t-shirt for a man. I’ve written an entire post about this before lol. There is something simply sexy about a man in a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

for a woman: a slimming black dress, gets me every time, and either some cute pumps or daringly high stilettos.

6. What is the one thing that a lover/man/woman wears that you hate with a passion?

I’m not a fan of this new fad of men wearing flood pants (cause that’s what they are, even if you slap a “hipster” label on them) I dont want to see your ankles! Especially not in the little shoes that you wear to accompany your flood pants! Your ankles freak me out! Cover them!

Bonus: You and your friend are going to a special event and you know that he/she has spent a lot of time and possibly money on their outfit and are very excited about what they have created. They refuse to show you their outfit until you are both ready to leave for the event and you find that they look awful. What do you do?

I would tell her. I’m a very honest person and my friend appreciate this about me. I also would help her best I could by bringing her into the washroom and asking if I could tweak it a little bit to give her body either better proportions or make the outfit fit her the way it should. I always carry bobby-pins and safety pins on me for this reason.



How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link totmituesdayblog from your website!

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7 Comments leave one →
  1. March 14, 2013 12:04 am

    3. Great answer. I totally agree.
    6. Lol


    • March 14, 2013 11:36 pm

      3. Of course you would agree, we would be the most gorgeous women at any party ;)
      6. THEY FREAK ME OUT!!!

      Im off to check out your TMI entries!


  2. March 31, 2013 12:03 pm

    Please tell me you have pics of you as Little Bo Peep…


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  2. College Stereotypes - TMI Tuesday: April 23, 2013
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